Game Elements

For today's blog post I read an article "What are the qualities of games?" what makes a game and the elements involved in it. Ian goes on to talk about how some of the key elements of a game are the players, objectives, rules resource and recourse management, game state, information and many more. It was an interesting read and like an article, I read in the past it talked about what is the definition of a game.

The second article I read was game design research by Annakaisa Kultima. Annakaisa talks about the difference between design research and game design research and the differences that can be found between them and all the different studies are taken out throughout the years.

My final piece of work for this week was to watch a video. The video is about two-game developer having a conversation about the process of the new game they were making. The game they made was inspired by ping pong. As the video progresses they talk about the way in how they experimented with the game development from drawing it to actually playing ping pong. Doing all these "tasks" really help with producing a game and gives you a better understanding of how you want things to work 
