Unity Tutorial 04

 For this week unity tutorial task we are finishing off the task from last week. The first thing we learn this week is to have animals spawning at random times. Next we added colliders so we can feed all the animals and once all the animals get passed the screen we get the game over screen. We learned a lot more in our code. The video teaches how to make our own custom code so we can make it do something that we want to do and using Invoke Repeating to make it repeat the code that we made to spawn the animals randomly at different times. We added colliders to the animals to override the OnTriggerEnter function to destroy the objects once they collide. The final thing we learn is logging the debug message so we know when the game is over once an animal passes the player.

For the second video its is a challenge to test everything that we learned over the last two week using the tutorial videos. I found it easy to make the ball spawn at the top of the screen and to make the player spawn dogs instead of balls. The first problem I had was making the ball disappear when the dog comes in contact with it so I did have to go look at the hints to help me and I was still struggling so went back and watched the previous video. I remembered from the past videos how to make the balls be destroyed once they fall of the map and how to make the spawn randomly that was a pretty easy step for me and making them spawn at random intervals. I tried to do the bonus task but found it very difficult to achieve and decided that I would just skip this bonus step. Overall this challenge was pretty easier compared to the last challenge we did but I can see the progress I am making and am excited to implement them into my game.

(A image of my unity before I started this challenge)
