Reading 03

 For this weeks reading task we had to do our Annotative Bibliography. 

My chosen topic was Animation vs Realism. I looked on the school website for some potential articles that could help me with my annotative bibliography but couldn't find any journals, articles or books for something I wanted so I decided to go to google scholar where I found some articles I thought might be helpful. For my bibliography, I decided to split up the animation and realism and do 5 pieces on each so its split evenly. This week I decided to focus on realism and its relations to game design with how it works and some of the benefits and problems it has.

I did find it hard to know exactly what I had to search to find the exact type of medium I wanted for my annotative bibliography and I did find myself looking for longer than intended. I did end up finding some articles that I thought maybe helpful with relating to my topic but it was difficult to find what I was looking for using some keywords that I thought may be helpful. I also struggled with putting it into my own words without trying to copy some of the terms they used in the article which I also found difficult because I'm not the best writer when it comes to stuff like that. 


                                                                  (Zelda:Breath of the Wild)
